Weight Watchers Revipes

Vegetarian Diet - Part I

Vegetarian diet

To have a healthy vegetarian regime does not mean simply to stay away from meat, milk and eggs. Vegetarian diet requires an additional effort to ensure a complete and balanced nutrition.

Vegetarian regimen consists in the consumption of fruits, vegetables, grain and seeds. Due to the exclusion of food of animal origin, vegetarian diet generally contains less fat and cholesterol and more fiber foods.

Regardless of the reasons for adopting vegetarian diet - environmental protection, miles toward animals, the desire to have a state of health as good, fear of fat, cholesterol or food additives - this decision can not be made easy. In fact, a radical modification of food habits can not be done overnight, it requires a certain time thinking and planning meals.

Vegetarians need to know and respect the rules of nutritional balance and variety-to eat more varied and adapted proportions age, sex and level of physical activity individually. Excessive consumption of raw (fruits and vegetables) should be avoided to the extent possible, because it gives the feeling of satietate without providing enough energy, especially children. Dairy products, which bring a wide variety of meals, are very difficult to replace. Several types of legumes are found in shopping (peas, lentils, naut, beans), but the proteins they contain are not complete, so they must be combined with grain products (bread, pasta, rice, etc.).

Combinations are a lot, just to use imagination to create the kinds of food but more varied and more balanced nutritional point of view. You can have a healthy life without eat meat, to the extent that your nutrition provides a sufficient amount of nutrients and energy. A healthy diet, be it vegetarian or not, is based primarily on balance and variety.



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